Stables Daycare Nursery, Kent

Who we worked with:

Stables Daycare Nursery


Tonbridge, Kent

Build Time

1 week

More about this project

Stables daycare is a long-established business on the outskirts of Hildenborough providing daycare for children from 3 months to 5 years.
Its domestic MDF style kitchen whilst spotlessly clean and well run was in need of an upgrade and the move to stainless steel was made.
We had a very strict 1 week to complete our works and our team had to work hard to finish on time!

We advised that Biolcad Upvc wall cladding would be very easy to keep clean and be very hygienic. Along with a highly;y slip-resistant Altro stronghold 30 floor and a wipe-clean suspended ceiling with flat panel LED lighting this room is now as good as any you would find in a high-end restaurant.

Once the walls and floors were complete we re-installed the existing oven and dishwasher and installed a number of new stainless steel sinks and benches and a new commercial refrigerator.

A great site to work at and nice people to work for.


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